Animation Reflection

9 Apr

I liked the Tetris animation the best. I thought it was creative how they took a video game and made it life like by using people. I am drawn to the animations that include more than one subject matter. I like seeing multiple things move around at once. I didn’t like the teeshirt animation, it was just kind of boring and didn’t interest me much. I will definitely keep in mind that without making the animation funny it won’t be too interesting to other people. I also will remember to try and make more than one thing or person be moving at once.

T-shirt Brainstorm

19 Mar

1. i want mine to be one simple image, but having multiple things involved. 

2. i want a galaxy in mine, probably as the background or a filler inside another image

3. i was thinking of a profile view of a face with hair flipping

4. probably a lot of photoshop, and a lot of the techniques we used when making our collages. i might make a sketch of find a few pictures of what i like.


19 Mar


1. interesting 2. i see a skull with bright colors around it to make it look more lively 3. the use of color i feel like is completely random except to emphasize the shapes of the eyes, nose and jaw line 4. movement is used to make it look like real paint is on the shirt, texture is used to make it look more realistic, lines are used to make the paint look like it’s dripping and just happens to then form a skull 5. a person that likes bright colors and dark ones at the same time 6. i like skulls, i think the look cool. i have never seen a shirt like this before, where it takes something dark (skull) and makes it look colorful and happy 7. i probably would if it was on a tank top


1. pretty 2. i see a cool landscape lit by the moon and stars in the sky 3. there isn’t much color in this shirt, just different shades of gray black and white 4. the texture on the moon makes it look real, shape is used to place stars in certain spots to make the eyes of the smiley face, unity is used by only using three colors throughout the whole teeshirt 5. someone who likes night time or landscape pictures 6. it appealed to me because i thought this night scene was very pretty and eye catching 7. no


1. precious 2. i see an ice cream cone underneath a sun and cloud made to mimic ice cream with a cherry on top, but also making it look like a real sky with the plane going through it 3. the colors in this are light and calm, just like the sky on a summer day 4. texture on the clouds makes them look really fluffy, the pattern on the ice cream cone makes it look real, the color throughout this whole teeshirt is very simple and light, perfect for a little baby 5. a parent would buy this teeshirt for their newborn baby, and it’s nice cause both a girl and boy could wear this 6. it appealed to me because i pictured my little niece in it and thought how adorable that would be 7. yes i would buy it for my niece


1. floral 2. i see a flower as the main thing with little stems and flowers surrounding it 3. the only color used in this is a peachy red pink color for the outlines of the flowers, otherwise the rest is a cream background 4. space is used as a way to make distinct changes in the flowers, unity is used to make the whole pattern seem like it’s one design instead of multiple things put together, emphasis is used on the biggest flower in the center of that dress that pretty much takes up the whole thing while everything else around it is there for background 5. a girly girl would buy this 6. i thought the pattern on it looked pretty and simple 7. i would if it was on a different style of dress, this one isn’t my style, but the pattern is very pretty

Typography Project

8 Mar



1. The name of my font is KMM95. It relates to the font because it relates to me and I created the font. If I were to invent or create something, the name would some how be close to mine so people would know who made it. 

2. The style of my font is very girly. It’s both curvy and straight at the same time. 

3. My inspiration to creating these letters was definitely my own handwriting. If I was able to choose what my handwriting looked like, I would want it to look like my font.

4. My font is very girly, and I am too. It flows really nice together and it is very neat.

5. My biggest struggle was making the lines straight and neat enough to look like actual letters and numbers.

6. My biggest success I think would be my lower case letters. I really like how they all turned out, it was just how I imagined them.

7. If I were to create a second font it would be more curly at the ends, and probably bubble letters instead of using straight lines. I would call it Curley Q

Typography Brainstorm

22 Feb

I want to make a typeface that looks the most like my own handwriting. As of right now I like the fonts that have the serif style, so mine will have that too. My inspiration is my handwriting; I want to create something that represents me. I would want my font to be used for advertising or maybe even books. After working in Illustrator I think the line and pen tool would help make this process easier.

Helvetica Recap

21 Feb

1. The font definitely sets the mood of the story that you are writing or product you are advertising; if the font is in cursive i imagine it would be expensive or classy, if the font is Kindergarden or scribbly I would imagine that it’s trying to be sold to children. Going into clothing stores and looking at the fonts they choose to put on their clothes definitely interests me. It’s cool to find out what font style they think bests represents their store.

2. I use Ariel Narrow the most when typing papers or working with documents on the computer. I use it most because I think it looks the most like my handwriting, and when i’m typing things I still want my paper to represent me and my personality.

3. Design is used to sell products more than anything else now-a-days. It shows the consumer what the producer thinks of the product and who she/ he is trying to appeal it to. The same thing goes for politics.

4. It would definitely be confusing at first since my brain is so used to putting the two things together, but i couldn’t imagine it effecting me too much.

5. I think i’ll start paying more attention to what font is being used and try to think of why it’s that font in particular.

6. It hasn’t made me think of graphic design any different besides appreciating how much time and effort people put into making sure everything is perfect and exactly how they want it to be.


15 Feb





Ninja & Rosette Practice

5 Feb



Vexel Portaits

24 Jan

Final Vexel

I think my vexel portrait was well done and i’m pretty confident in my project. The hardest part about this project was definitely time management. There was so much I wanted to do to my project and I wanted everything to be a perfect as could be. It was hard for me to make a layer and leave it be, I was being very picky with this project and I felt a little rushed because of it. I wish we could have had more time, although I did finish it and I got my project to turn out how I wanted it to. I think it would be fun to vexelize my dog Oli. I think it would be fun to see what he would look like vexelized.


8 Jan

QUEEN IHATEYOURDOGFront: Queen Ihateyourdog

QUEEN CATHRHINO  Front: Queen Cathrhino

Finished Back  Back: Olitopia

I included pictures of people that are important in my life, Catherine and my sister Emily. I also included a picture of my dog Oli for the seal on each Kwelt. I figured since my place is tropical the backgrounds on the Kwelts should look tropical and have a calm feeling to them. I tried using line and space a lot to help form what I wanted my denominations to look like. Most real life currencies are neat and well organized so I tried making mine that way too. I think I was most successful at making my currency kind of similar to one another to make it more realistic. I also like the way my backgrounds look since i blended two out of the three with a picture of rocks to add texture.